Monday, July 5, 2010

Dear Sigourney Weaver...

I'm back from the grand adventure that was the tour of the West Coast - check out my adventures at aha!  Next up on my list is to teach music to 4 to 8 year olds for the next six weeks at 4th Presbyterian Church's Summer Meals Program.  It should be a blast!

I'll be commuting to 4th five days a week for Summer Meals, and then attending on Sunday.  It's an hour commute on the T.  For six weeks.

(2 hours a day) x (6 days a week) x (6 weeks) = 72 hours of transit time = 72 hours of listening time.

I've started listening to This American Life and a few other podcasts, but with such a wealth of time on my hands, I would really like to listen to an audio version of the Bible and hear the whole thing through.  I found a few awesome versions on iTunes - James Earl Jones Reads the New Testament; Johnny Cash Reads the New Testament, and some others.  However, my liberated/ing reformed/ing feminist self would really like to hear a spoken version of the Bible that is NOT freakishly similar to the voice of patriarchy... or Darth Vader.  

Ideally, I want a version of the Bible with a plurality of voices interrupting each other, representing J, E, P, and D.  I want the Hebrew Bible read in the Hebrew order, not the Greek order.  I want to hear men and women's voices.  Or even just a woman's voice.  Sigourney Weaver did an awesome job narrating the Planet Earth series... I think she could do an excellent job narrating the Bible, too.  I'm just sayin'.  

If anybody has found something close to what I'm looking for, give me a heads up!